Inspired to serve the community of Crystal Beach, Ridgeway and Fort Erie area!
Inspired to serve the community of Crystal Beach, Ridgeway and Fort Erie area!
The Crystal Ridge Dream Center is a dedicated community outreach organization committed to serving the diverse needs of individuals and families living in the Greater Fort Erie Area. Established in 2019, we offer a wide range of programs and services designed to provide support, resources, and hope to those in need. Our mission is to awaken hearts to dream, while transforming the lives of people in our community.
Donor Relations & Fundraising Consultant Nicole Kuehnel
Nicole partners with the Crystal Ridge Dream Center as a Donor Relations & Fundraising Consultant, supporting its mission to bring hope, resources, and transformation to the community. Through strategic fundraising, donor engagement, and grant development, they work to secure vital funding that sustains and expands CRDC’s programs.
By building meaningful relationships with individuals, businesses, and foundations, Nicole helps strengthen CRDC’s ability to provide essential services, from food support to life-changing opportunities, ensuring a lasting impact for those in need.
For more information, please email Nicole today at nicole@crystalridgedreamcenter.com
The CRDC would like to extend an invitation to the people, and friends of our community in joining us for an evening of worship & fellowship. We will be meeting @ 7:00 PM every Friday. Doors open at 6:30pm
Our goal is to encourage, strengthen, pray for, and inspire the beautiful people of our community. The evening will consist of a time of music (worship), sharing, and praying together followed by refreshments. Please come join us on this part of our journey. We are not a church but we are a group of people who desire to be an extension and expression of Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and His, saving grace, love and power. It is our desire to reach and serve our community with hearts of love, compassion and faith in God. Our aim is to assist with the natural needs of our community and to help address some the spiritual needs of faith, hope and love to God!
Part of the history of Crystal Beach and this building originated with a heart of faith and desire to build upon that faith a strong community!
To be known as a people who love their God, making a priority of prayer and worship as a way of life; and as a people who serve their community, bringing Jesus into our spheres of family, church, city and world; and as a people who grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, maturing to reflect His character and accomplish His purposes.
Awakening hearts to dream, while transforming the lives of individuals in our community.
Our Values
We believe that how we pursue our mission is as important as the mission itself; and so, in prayerful dependence on God, we value...
God First: We live in response to God's transforming love, entrusting ourselves, our marriages, families, talents, time, finances and plans to His control.
Truth: We trust in God's Word, the Bible, as the final authority on all matters of faith and morality, speaking with relevance to all life issues.
People: We share the good news of hope in Jesus Christ with others because all people matter to God and to us.
Community: We practice grace, forgiveness and respect, sharing a 'common - unity' of the Holy Spirit. By serving others in our family, church, city and world, helping them encounter Christ's love and salvation, we seek to draw people into God's family.
Growing: We journey together as disciples of Jesus Christ, learning, training and empowering others to passionately serve God in ways they are shaped by the Holy Spirit, growing in
obedience to God, in size as a congregation, and in impact on our city for the glory of God.
Our Future: We promote a faith-filled excitement about what God is doing in and through our center, transforming individuals and families, and preparing the next generation to take ownership and leadership of ministry to ensure its vitality and growth.
1.) We believe the Bible, in its entirety to be the inspired Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct. It is the written Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error.
2.) We believe in the virgin birth and true deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life, died on the cross to atone for the sins of mankind, and that His shed blood is the only sufficient expiation for the sins of all men. We believe in His bodily resurrection and in His soon-coming personal return to the earth in power and glory. (Eph 4:10; Phil 3:21)
3.) We believe that men are justified by faith and are accounted righteous before God only through the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and that all who are so justified are born anew and receive eternal life, but that those who have not been born again shall not see the Kingdom of God. (Col 1:27; John 3:5)
4.) We believe there is one true and living God who has manifested Himself as the Father, as the Son and as the Holy Spirit. (1 Tim. 3:16; Mat. 28:19). He is all powerful, all knowing, and omnipresent. God is unchanging, infinitely perfect, holy, righteous, just and merciful. He is eternal, He is Spirit and He is love.
5. We believe that all true believers are one body in Christ and everyone member's one of another. We are the universal church; the living spiritual body of which Jesus Christ is the head.
6.) We believe that all believers are commissioned by Jesus to go into all the world to share the gospel and His unfailing love.
7.) We believe in water baptism and in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. We believe the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. The baptism of the Holy Spirit empowers and equips believers for service.
8.) We believe in divine healing, through faith in the Name of Jesus Christ and that healing is included in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. We believe in the gifts of the Spirit and the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in a believer's life.
Prayer is a vital part of our everyday life, here at the CRDC and we are very excited to say we have our very own Intercessory Prayer Team that prays for the needs of our community.
If you need prayer and would like us to pray for you please contact the CRDC Intercessory Prayer Team through our e-mail: crdcintercessoryteam@gmail.com,
One of our leaders will respond to you shortly, please include your name and number if you wish to have a call.
Crystal Ridge Dream Center
385 Derby Road, PO Box 1386, Crystal Beach ON Canada L0S 1B0
Phone: 289-476-0126